Source code for cmd_queue.util.util_yaml

import io
import os
import ubelt as ub

[docs]class _YamlRepresenter:
[docs] @staticmethod def str_presenter(dumper, data): # if len(data.splitlines()) > 1 or '\n' in data: text_list = [line.rstrip() for line in data.splitlines()] fixed_data = '\n'.join(text_list) return dumper.represent_scalar(',2002:str', fixed_data, style='|') return dumper.represent_scalar(',2002:str', data)
[docs]@ub.memoize def _custom_ruaml_loader(): """ References: """ import ruamel.yaml Loader = ruamel.yaml.RoundTripLoader def _construct_include_tag(self, node): print(f'node={node}') if isinstance(node.value, list): return [Yaml.coerce(v.value) for v in node.value] else: external_fpath = ub.Path(node.value) if not external_fpath.exists(): raise IOError(f'Included external yaml file {external_fpath} ' 'does not exist') return Yaml.load(node.value) Loader.add_constructor("!include", _construct_include_tag) return Loader
[docs]@ub.memoize def _custom_ruaml_dumper(): """ References: """ import ruamel.yaml Dumper = ruamel.yaml.RoundTripDumper Dumper.add_representer(str, _YamlRepresenter.str_presenter) Dumper.add_representer(ub.udict, Dumper.represent_dict) return Dumper
[docs]@ub.memoize def _custom_pyaml_dumper(): import yaml class Dumper(yaml.Dumper): pass # dumper = yaml.dumper.Dumper # dumper = yaml.SafeDumper(sort_keys=False) # yaml.dump(data, s, Dumper=yaml.SafeDumper, sort_keys=False, width=float("inf")) # yaml.dump(data, s, sort_keys=False) Dumper.add_representer(str, _YamlRepresenter.str_presenter) Dumper.add_representer(ub.udict, Dumper.represent_dict) return Dumper
[docs]class Yaml: """ Namespace for yaml functions """
[docs] @staticmethod def dumps(data, backend='ruamel'): """ Dump yaml to a string representation (and account for some of our use-cases) Args: data (Any): yaml representable data backend (str): either ruamel or pyyaml Returns: str: yaml text Example: >>> import ubelt as ub >>> data = { >>> 'a': 'hello world', >>> 'b': ub.udict({'a': 3}) >>> } >>> text1 = Yaml.dumps(data, backend='ruamel') >>> print(text1) >>> text2 = Yaml.dumps(data, backend='pyyaml') >>> print(text2) >>> assert text1 == text2 """ file = io.StringIO() if backend == 'ruamel': import ruamel.yaml Dumper = _custom_ruaml_dumper() ruamel.yaml.round_trip_dump(data, file, Dumper=Dumper, width=float("inf")) elif backend == 'pyyaml': import yaml Dumper = _custom_pyaml_dumper() yaml.dump(data, file, Dumper=Dumper, sort_keys=False, width=float("inf")) else: raise KeyError(backend) text = file.getvalue() return text
[docs] @staticmethod def load(file, backend='ruamel'): """ Load yaml from a file Args: file (io.TextIOBase | PathLike | str): yaml file path or file object backend (str): either ruamel or pyyaml Returns: object """ if isinstance(file, (str, os.PathLike)): with open(file, 'r') as fp: return Yaml.load(fp, backend=backend) else: if backend == 'ruamel': import ruamel.yaml Loader = _custom_ruaml_loader() data = ruamel.yaml.load(file, Loader=Loader, preserve_quotes=True) # data = ruamel.yaml.load(file, Loader=ruamel.yaml.RoundTripLoader, preserve_quotes=True) elif backend == 'pyyaml': import yaml # data = yaml.load(file, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader) data = yaml.load(file, Loader=yaml.Loader) else: raise KeyError(backend) return data
[docs] @staticmethod def loads(text, backend='ruamel'): """ Load yaml from a text Args: text (str): yaml text backend (str): either ruamel or pyyaml Returns: object Example: >>> import ubelt as ub >>> data = { >>> 'a': 'hello world', >>> 'b': ub.udict({'a': 3}) >>> } >>> print('data = {}'.format(ub.urepr(data, nl=1))) >>> print('---') >>> text = Yaml.dumps(data) >>> print(ub.highlight_code(text, 'yaml')) >>> print('---') >>> data2 = Yaml.loads(text) >>> assert data == data2 >>> data3 = Yaml.loads(text, backend='pyyaml') >>> print('data2 = {}'.format(ub.urepr(data2, nl=1))) >>> print('data3 = {}'.format(ub.urepr(data3, nl=1))) >>> assert data == data3 """ file = io.StringIO(text) return Yaml.load(file, backend=backend)
[docs] @staticmethod def coerce(data, backend='ruamel'): """ Attempt to convert input into a parsed yaml / json data structure. If the data looks like a path, it tries to load and parse file contents. If the data looks like a yaml/json string it tries to parse it. If the data looks like parsed data, then it returns it as-is. Args: data (str | PathLike | dict | list): backend (str): either ruamel or pyyaml Returns: object: parsed yaml data Note: The input to the function cannot distinguish a string that should be loaded and a string that should be parsed. If it looks like a file that exists it will read it. To avoid this coerner case use this only for data where you expect the output is a List or Dict. References: Example: >>> Yaml.coerce('"[1, 2, 3]"') [1, 2, 3] >>> fpath = ub.Path.appdir('cmd_queue/tests/util_yaml').ensuredir() / 'file.yaml' >>> fpath.write_text(Yaml.dumps([4, 5, 6])) >>> Yaml.coerce(fpath) [4, 5, 6] >>> Yaml.coerce(str(fpath)) [4, 5, 6] >>> dict(Yaml.coerce('{a: b, c: d}')) {'a': 'b', 'c': 'd'} >>> Yaml.coerce(None) None Example: >>> assert Yaml.coerce('') is None Example: >>> dpath = ub.Path.appdir('cmd_queue/tests/util_yaml').ensuredir() >>> fpath = dpath / 'external.yaml' >>> fpath.write_text(Yaml.dumps({'foo': 'bar'})) >>> text = ub.codeblock( >>> f''' >>> items: >>> - !include {dpath}/external.yaml >>> ''') >>> data = Yaml.coerce(text, backend='ruamel') >>> print(Yaml.dumps(data, backend='ruamel')) items: - foo: bar >>> text = ub.codeblock( >>> f''' >>> items: >>> !include [{dpath}/external.yaml, blah, 1, 2, 3] >>> ''') >>> data = Yaml.coerce(text, backend='ruamel') >>> print('data = {}'.format(ub.urepr(data, nl=1))) >>> print(Yaml.dumps(data, backend='ruamel')) """ if isinstance(data, str): maybe_path = None if '\n' not in data and len(data.strip()) > 0: # Ambiguous case: might this be path-like? maybe_path = ub.Path(data) try: if not maybe_path.exists(): maybe_path = None except OSError: maybe_path = None if maybe_path is not None: result = Yaml.coerce(maybe_path, backend=backend) else: result = Yaml.loads(data, backend=backend) elif isinstance(data, os.PathLike): result = Yaml.load(data, backend=backend) elif hasattr(data, 'read'): # assume file result = Yaml.load(data, backend=backend) else: # Probably already parsed. Return the input result = data return result
[docs] @staticmethod def InlineList(items): """ References: .. [SO56937691] """ import ruamel.yaml ret = ruamel.yaml.comments.CommentedSeq(items) ret.fa.set_flow_style() return ret
[docs] @staticmethod def Dict(data): """ Get a ruamel-enhanced dictionary Example: >>> data = {'a': 'avalue', 'b': 'bvalue'} >>> data = Yaml.Dict(data) >>> data.yaml_set_start_comment('hello') >>> # Note: not working >>> data.yaml_set_comment_before_after_key('a', before='a comment', indent=2) >>> data.yaml_set_comment_before_after_key('b', 'b comment') >>> print(Yaml.dumps(data)) """ import ruamel.yaml ret = ruamel.yaml.comments.CommentedMap(data) return ret
[docs] @staticmethod def CodeBlock(text): import ruamel.yaml return ruamel.yaml.scalarstring.LiteralScalarString(ub.codeblock(text))