Source code for cmd_queue.util.util_networkx

from . import util_network_text

write_network_text = util_network_text.write_network_text

[docs]def is_topological_order(graph, node_order): """ A topological ordering of nodes is an ordering of the nodes such that for every edge (u,v) in G, u appears earlier than v in the ordering Runtime: O(V * E) References: Example: >>> import networkx as nx >>> raw = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(100, 0.5, directed=True, seed=3432) >>> graph = nx.DiGraph(nodes=raw.nodes()) >>> graph.add_edges_from([(u, v) for u, v in raw.edges() if u < v]) >>> node_order = list(nx.topological_sort(graph)) >>> assert is_topological_order(graph, node_order) >>> assert not is_topological_order(graph, node_order[::-1]) """ # Iterate through the edges in G. node_to_index = {n: idx for idx, n in enumerate(node_order)} for u, v in graph.edges: try: # For each edge, retrieve the index of each of its vertices in the ordering. ux = node_to_index[u] vx = node_to_index[v] # Compared the indices. If the origin vertex isn't earlier than # the destination vertex, return false. if ux >= vx: return False except KeyError: # if the edge is not in or ordering, ignore it ... return True