Source code for cmd_queue.base_queue

import ubelt as ub

[docs]class DuplicateJobError(KeyError): ...
[docs]class UnknownBackendError(KeyError): ...
[docs]class Job(ub.NiceRepr): """ Base class for a job """ def __init__(self, command=None, name=None, depends=None, **kwargs): # This is unused, should the slurm and bash job reuse this? if depends is not None and not ub.iterable(depends): depends = [depends] = name self.command = command self.depends = depends self.kwargs = kwargs def __nice__(self): return
[docs]class Queue(ub.NiceRepr): """ Base class for a queue. Use the ``create`` classmethod to make a concrete instance with an available backend. """ def __init__(self): self.num_real_jobs = 0 self.all_depends = None self.named_jobs = {}
[docs] def change_backend(self, backend, **kwargs): """ Create a new version of this queue with a different backend. Currently metadata is not carried over. Submit an MR if you need this functionality. Example: >>> from cmd_queue import Queue >>> self = Queue.create(size=5, name='demo') >>> self.submit('echo "Hello World"', name='job1a') >>> self.submit('echo "Hello Revocable"', name='job1b') >>> self.submit('echo "Hello Crushed"', depends=['job1a'], name='job2a') >>> self.submit('echo "Hello Shadow"', depends=['job1b'], name='job2b') >>> self.submit('echo "Hello Excavate"', depends=['job2a', 'job2b'], name='job3') >>> self.submit('echo "Hello Barrette"', depends=[], name='jobX') >>> self.submit('echo "Hello Overwrite"', depends=['jobX'], name='jobY') >>> self.submit('echo "Hello Giblet"', depends=['jobY'], name='jobZ') >>> serial_backend = self.change_backend('serial') >>> tmux_backend = self.change_backend('tmux') >>> slurm_backend = self.change_backend('slurm') >>> airflow_backend = self.change_backend('airflow') >>> serial_backend.print_commands() >>> tmux_backend.print_commands() >>> slurm_backend.print_commands() >>> airflow_backend.print_commands() """ new = Queue.create(backend=backend, **kwargs) for job_name, job in self.named_jobs.items(): new_depends = [] if job.depends: for dep in job.depends: new_dep = new.named_jobs[] new_depends.append(new_dep) # TODO: carry over metadata new.submit(job.command, depends=new_depends, return new for job in new.submit(job.commands) pass
def __len__(self): return self.num_real_jobs
[docs] def sync(self): """ Mark that all future jobs will depend on the current sink jobs Returns: Queue: a reference to the queue (for chaining) """ graph = self._dependency_graph() # Find the jobs that nobody depends on sink_jobs = [graph.nodes[n]['job'] for n, d in graph.out_degree if d == 0] # All new jobs must depend on these jobs self.all_depends = sink_jobs return self
[docs] def write(self): """ Writes the underlying files that defines the queue for whatever program will ingest it to run it. """ import os import stat text = self.finalize_text() self.fpath.parent.ensuredir() self.fpath.write_text(text) os.chmod(self.fpath, ( stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IWGRP)) return self.fpath
[docs] def submit(self, command, **kwargs): """ Args: name: specify the name of the job **kwargs: passed to :class:`cmd_queue.serial_queue.BashJob` """ # TODO: we could accept additional args here that modify how we handle # the command in the bash script we build (i.e. if the script is # allowed to fail or not) # self.commands.append(command) # hack from cmd_queue import serial_queue if 'info_dpath' not in kwargs: kwargs['info_dpath'] = self.job_info_dpath if isinstance(command, str): name = kwargs.get('name', None) if name is None: name = kwargs['name'] = + '-job-{}'.format(self.num_real_jobs) if self.all_depends: depends = kwargs.get('depends', None) if depends is None: depends = self.all_depends else: if not ub.iterable(depends): depends = [depends] depends = self.all_depends + depends kwargs['depends'] = depends depends = kwargs.pop('depends', None) if depends is not None: # Resolve any strings to job objects if not ub.iterable(depends): depends = [depends] try: depends = [ self.named_jobs[dep] if isinstance(dep, str) else dep for dep in depends] except Exception: print('self.named_jobs = {}'.format(ub.urepr(self.named_jobs, nl=1))) raise job = serial_queue.BashJob(command, depends=depends, **kwargs) else: # Assume job is already a bash job job = command try: if in self.named_jobs: raise DuplicateJobError(f'duplicate key {}') except Exception: raise self.named_jobs[] = job if not job.bookkeeper: self.num_real_jobs += 1 return job
[docs] @classmethod def _backend_classes(cls): from cmd_queue import tmux_queue from cmd_queue import serial_queue from cmd_queue import slurm_queue from cmd_queue import airflow_queue lut = { 'serial': serial_queue.SerialQueue, 'tmux': tmux_queue.TMUXMultiQueue, 'slurm': slurm_queue.SlurmQueue, 'airflow': airflow_queue.AirflowQueue, } return lut
[docs] @classmethod def available_backends(cls): lut = cls._backend_classes() available = [name for name, qcls in lut.items() if qcls.is_available()] return available
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, backend='serial', **kwargs): """ Main entry point to create a queue Args: **kwargs: environ (dict | None): environment variables name (str): queue name dpath (str): queue work directory gpus (int): number of gpus size (int): only for tmux queue, number of parallel queues """ if backend == 'serial': from cmd_queue import serial_queue kwargs.pop('size', None) self = serial_queue.SerialQueue(**kwargs) elif backend == 'tmux': from cmd_queue import tmux_queue self = tmux_queue.TMUXMultiQueue(**kwargs) elif backend == 'slurm': from cmd_queue import slurm_queue kwargs.pop('size', None) self = slurm_queue.SlurmQueue(**kwargs) elif backend == 'airflow': from cmd_queue import airflow_queue kwargs.pop('size', None) self = airflow_queue.AirflowQueue(**kwargs) else: raise UnknownBackendError(backend) return self
[docs] def write_network_text(self, reduced=True, rich='auto', vertical_chains=False): # TODO: change rich to style try: import rich as rich_mod except ImportError: rich_mod = None if rich == 'auto': rich = rich_mod is not None if rich: print_ = rich_mod.print else: print_ = print from cmd_queue.util.util_networkx import write_network_text import networkx as nx graph = self._dependency_graph() if reduced: print_('\nGraph (reduced):') try: reduced_graph = nx.transitive_reduction(graph) write_network_text(reduced_graph, path=print_, end='', vertical_chains=vertical_chains) except Exception as ex: print_(f'ex={ex}') print_('\n') else: print_('\nGraph:') write_network_text(graph, path=print_, end='', vertical_chains=vertical_chains)
[docs] def print_commands(self, with_status=False, with_gaurds=False, with_locks=1, exclude_tags=None, style='colors', **kwargs): """ Args: with_status (bool): tmux / serial only, show bash status boilerplate with_gaurds (bool): tmux / serial only, show bash guards boilerplate with_locks (bool | int): tmux, show tmux lock boilerplate exclude_tags (List[str] | None): if specified exclude jobs submitted with these tags. style (str): can be 'colors', 'rich', or 'plain' **kwargs: extra backend-specific args passed to finalize_text CommandLine: xdoctest -m cmd_queue.slurm_queue SlurmQueue.print_commands xdoctest -m cmd_queue.serial_queue SerialQueue.print_commands xdoctest -m cmd_queue.tmux_queue TMUXMultiQueue.print_commands """ colors = kwargs.get('colors', None) if colors is not None: ub.schedule_deprecation( 'cmd_queue', 'colors', 'arg', migration='use style="plain" | "rich" | "colors" instead', deprecate='now') if not colors: style = 'plain' with_rich = kwargs.get('with_rich', None) if with_rich is not None: ub.schedule_deprecation( 'cmd_queue', 'with_rich', 'arg', migration='use use style="plain" | "rich" | "colors" instead', deprecate='now') if with_rich: style = 'rich' if style == 'auto': style = 'colors' if colors else 'plain' # style = 'rich' if colors else 'plain' from cmd_queue.util import util_tags exclude_tags = util_tags.Tags.coerce(exclude_tags) code = self.finalize_text( with_status=with_status, with_gaurds=with_gaurds, with_locks=with_locks, exclude_tags=exclude_tags) if style == 'rich': from rich.syntax import Syntax from rich.panel import Panel from rich.console import Console console = Console() console.print(Panel(Syntax(code, 'bash'), title=str(self.fpath))) elif style == 'colors': print(ub.highlight_code(f'# --- {str(self.fpath)}', 'bash')) print(ub.highlight_code(code, 'bash')) elif style == 'plain': print(f'# --- {str(self.fpath)}') print(code) else: raise KeyError(f'Unknown style={style}')
[docs] def rprint(self, **kwargs): ub.schedule_deprecation( 'cmd_queue', name='rprint', type='arg', migration='print_commands', ) self.print_commands(**kwargs)
[docs] def print_graph(self, reduced=True, vertical_chains=False): """ Renders the dependency graph to an "network text" Args: reduced (bool): if True only show the implicit dependency forest """ self.write_network_text(reduced=reduced, vertical_chains=vertical_chains)
[docs] def _dependency_graph(self): """ Builds a networkx dependency graph for the current jobs Example: >>> from cmd_queue import Queue >>> self = Queue.create(size=5, name='foo') >>> job1a = self.submit('echo hello && sleep 0.5') >>> job1b = self.submit('echo hello && sleep 0.5') >>> job2a = self.submit('echo hello && sleep 0.5', depends=[job1a]) >>> job2b = self.submit('echo hello && sleep 0.5', depends=[job1b]) >>> job3 = self.submit('echo hello && sleep 0.5', depends=[job2a, job2b]) >>> jobX = self.submit('echo hello && sleep 0.5', depends=[]) >>> jobY = self.submit('echo hello && sleep 0.5', depends=[jobX]) >>> jobZ = self.submit('echo hello && sleep 0.5', depends=[jobY]) >>> graph = self._dependency_graph() >>> self.print_graph() """ import networkx as nx graph = nx.DiGraph() duplicate_names = ub.find_duplicates(, key=lambda x: if duplicate_names: print('duplicate_names = {}'.format(ub.repr2(duplicate_names, nl=1))) raise Exception('Job names must be unique') for index, job in enumerate( graph.add_node(, job=job, index=index) for index, job in enumerate( if job.depends: for dep in job.depends: if dep is not None: graph.add_edge(, return graph
[docs] def monitor(self): print('monitor not implemented')
[docs] def _coerce_style(self, style='auto', with_rich=None, colors=1): # Helper if with_rich is not None: ub.schedule_deprecation( 'cmd_queue', 'with_rich', 'arg', migration='use style="rich" instead') if with_rich: style = 'rich' if style == 'auto': style = 'colors' if colors else 'plain' return style